



Our mission is to teach design in beauty, fashion, crafts and arts for a better future with sustainable practices. Locally sourced materials with artisanal and contemporary practices. We are dedicated to introducing the next generation of designers to new practices with ancient origins.

Exploration. Education. Collaboration. Creativity. Exposure. Art unknown made known.

Portfolio will empower creative practitioners to soar, securing their future as a global powerhouse.

Portfolio is a multi-disciplinary educational institute that specializes in teaching master classes. Portfolio brings together celebrated national and international cultural leaders to teach emerging creatives and advancing and empowering young entrepreneurs.

Working with prominent industry leaders and businesses to design sector relevant curriculum, students will be nurtured to leave Portfolio confident, agile and work- ready oriented towards the industries they seek to advance their careers within.

The Portfolio brand is broken down into three facets. Portfolio Institute, Portfolio (gallery) and Project Space.

Portfolio institute

The institute provides young entrepreneurs and multi-disciplinary creatives, mentorships, short courses and masterclasses.

From instructors of global A-list professors and industry based creatives. We offer Masterclasses to national and international participants

in the following fields:

- Art

- Design (Graphic)

- Editorial imaging

- Fashion

- Film Making

- Make-up Artistry - Photography

- Styling

- Events Management

- Photography

- Editorial Imaging

- Film Making

- Styling

- Level 3 Sewing

- Perfumery

- Artisanal Shoe Making

- Artisanal Bag Design

- Interior Design

- Concept Store Design

- Personal Branding

Portfolio Institute, also provides an opportunity for young Moroccans who are unable to pursue their passion in the artistic domain. Portfolio picks people from the lower social economic demographic and educate them and provide mentorships in different fields, from Design and styling to photography and film making.


* Portfolio will make bright sparks shine vividly.

* Portfolio will build a vital workforce of career- ready professionals, across cultur- al mediums.

* The educational aspect of Portfolio is the major focus and strength.

portfolio (gallery)

Portfolio’s space is used as a platform for exhibiting national and international art- ists and designers, and a space for cultural events and high end launches. Our Gallery has been designed with the Portfolio vision in mind and focuses on providing a unique space for master class students to also exhibit their final pieces.


project space at portfolio

Levels Project Space at Portfolio is a space committed to developing and en- hancing emerging artistic talent.

The globally recognised Hans-Ulrich Obrist curated some of his first exhibitions inside the bathroom of his apartment to show that art can be displayed anywhere, any time and without limitations. Portfolio takes this notion on board with Project Space as it is a space within a stairwell,

a space of transition and development for artistic exploration.
